Honest Abe Living magazine, an in-house publication of Honest Abe Log homes, is a free online, interactive magazine.
“We believe that designing the magazine in an interactive format offers readers a richer experience,” said Honest Abe President Josh Beasley.
Beasley explained that because the magazine is live on the company’s website rather than uploaded as a .pdf, readers can click through the main magazine page to related articles, download supplemental materials and watch videos.
“Whether readers of Honest Abe Living are seeking to build a log or timber frame home or just people who love log homes and enjoy reading about them, the new magazine format will satisfy their needs,” Beasley said.
The magazine offer the same content types as the downloadable .pdf version that Honest Abe has published online since 2011, which are all included in the Honest Abe Living library found here. Each month there are feature stories about log or timber frame homes, tips for homebuyers and homeowners, a recipe, a featured floor plan, company and industry news, announcements about new products, interior design tips and invitations to upcoming tours, log raisings and other events.